2018/2019 Membership Renewals are now due and payable.
Membership fees for the coming year have remained at –
Riding Members: $75 and Non-Riding Members – $55
Please note –
A Riding Member is any member riding or leading a horse whilst participating in parades, ceremonies, displays or events.
All renewal forms are to be completed and signed by the member, then returned via email (scanned copy) or post.
- Members please note this form MUST be completed otherwise your membership renewal will not be accepted or processed.
After processing and clearing of payment your new card and e-receipt will be forwarded to you in due course. Please retain your receipt as proof of membership.
Payment details are as follows:
Direct Deposit
The Australian Light Horse Association
BSB: 804 059
Account Number: 189970
Cheque/Money Order to be made out to
The Australian Light Horse Association
Completed paperwork to:
Email: [email protected]
Download below: