Membership of the Association is available to Australian Citizens and overseas membership is also welcome.
The Financial Year for Membership runs from the 1st July to the 30th of June and there is no provision for pro-rata fees.
The current fees and categories are:
$100.00 AUD – Riding Member – Australia only.
(A Riding Member is any member riding or leading a horse whilst participating in parades, ceremonies, displays or events.)
$60.00 AUD – ATA Tentpegging Riding Member – Financial ATA members. (Available to financial ATA Members only – not available for day members)
$100.00 AUD – Non-Riding Members and Overseas Members.
Is available to any person wishing to participate in ALHA events or to support the ALHA.
Additional copies of the “Spur” $15.00 AUD (Plus postage for overseas Members).
The Association provides for its Members Public Liability Insurance (Australia only) with a limit of $20,000,000 and Personal Accident Insurance, along with corporate protection, and assistance in training including a Training Manual.