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ALHA Association Cup 2019

Keeping the traditions and skills of the Australian Light Horse alive.

The event will be held on Saturday September 14 @ 7:00 am and Sunday September 15 @11:00 am

The event will be hosted by the 1st Light Horse Tamworth Troop and staged over the weekend of the 14 and 15 September 2019 at Hallsville Pony Club grounds, Hallsville via Tamworth. NSW. All bonus offers for sports betting in Azerbaijan at etopaz/az – Get a special 17% bonus for the holiday!

The event is open to all financial ALHA members. For further information follow the links 

Association Cup 2019 Information

ALHA Cup program

ALHA 2019/2020 Membership Renewals are now due

  • Members please note your renewal form MUST be completed otherwise your membership renewal will not be accepted or processed. 

Membership fees for the coming year are –

Riding Members: $75 and Non-Riding Members – $55

Please note – 
A Riding Member is any member riding or leading a horse whilst participating in parades, ceremonies, displays or events.
All renewal forms are to be completed and signed by the member, then returned via email (scanned copy) or post.
After processing and clearing of payment your new card and e-receipt will be forwarded to you in due course. Please retain your receipt as proof of membership.
Payment details are as follows:
Direct Deposit


Cheque/Money Order to be made out to
The Australian Light Horse Association
Completed paperwork to:
Download below:

ALHA Annual General Meeting 1 June 2019



Saturday 1st June 2019. 

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Australian Light Horse  Association Limited will be held on Saturday 1st June 2019. 


Mittagong RSL  

Cnr Hume Highway & Bessemer Street,
Mittagong NSW 2575

The AGM will be held in the Springs Room.

The AGM will commence at 12.00pm, followed by a short break before the ALHA Directors meeting at approximately 1.00pm. 

A social evening get-together and informal dinner will be commence from 6.00pm in the Springs Room

Nominations for the Board of Directors of ALHA Ltd are now open for the following positions:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Director – Board Members 

All nominations for the position of Director or any other position on the Board must be received at the company office no later than the 4.00pm on the 17th May 2019. They must be signed by the Nominee and 2 other Financial Members of the Association.

Notices of motion
All notices of motion must be received in writing at the Company Office by 4.00pm on the 10th May 2019.
All proxies relating to any motion must be received at the company office not later than 4.00pm on the 31st May 2019.

For further information, contact The National Secretary – Tom Childs OAM JP

On 07 3807 2382 or email: Tom Childs 

An Agenda and Audited Accounts will be available in due course as a hard copy or they can be emailed as a PDF file.


Springs Resort – Mittagong  –  Ph: 02 4871 3133

Grand Country Lodge Motel – Mittagong  –  Ph: 02 4871 3277

Mittagong Motel – Mittagong  –  Ph: 02 4871 1277

Motel Melrose – Mittagong  –  Ph: 02 4871 1511

Poplars Inn – Mittagong  –  Ph: 02 4889 4239

New Book Release – Riding Into History Beersheba 100 Years On

In October 2017, 175 members of the ALHA, many of whom were direct descendants of WW1 Troopers followed in the steps of their forefathers.

This book has over 350 photographs and maps that chronicle both the centenary

re-enactment and the great Middle East Campaigns of WW1.

Two hundred and forty pages are packed full of the dramas and accomplishments of the trip covering four countries, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Israel.

An appendix containing an in-depth historical account of the campaigns and their geo-political outcomes by Kelvin Crombie and a foreword by our Association Patron Maj. Gen. Warren Glenny AO RFD ED (Rtd)

To order and pay for your copy – payment methods are:

Cheque or Money Order made out to the Australian Light Horse Assoc.

Post to: ALHA Trip Book 11 McIntosh Street, QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620

Include your name, mailing address and number of copies.

Direct Deposit into Account – Australian Light Horse Assoc.

BSB 704-640 Account number 32095431 – use your surname and book as reference,

send an email record of the payment, with your order confirmation and mailing address to [email protected]

Price for a single copy is $35.00, includes postage within Australia.

Price for 2 x books is $30.00 each, incl postage within Australia.

Price for 4 x books is $25.00 each, incl postage within Australia. Шлюхи в Тюмени.

Barry Rodgers OAM.         Author.

Membership renewals are now overdue

Membership renewals are now overdue

If you haven’t done so already, please renew your membership as it expired on 30 June. We understand it’s easy to forget but please renew as soon as possible as your membership has lapsed.

A reminder that money deposited into the ALHA account without a completed renewal form having submitted, will not be processed until such time as the completed form is received.

Thank you.

New Bank Details

Dear Troop Secretaries and Members
The Association bank details have changed and all forms on our website have been updated accordingly. Please ensure you edit these details with your banking institution and destroy any old forms in your possession.

Important Notice – Change of Bank Details

Dear Troop Secretaries and Members
The Association bank details are changing due to our banks merger, as such renewal payments will not be taken via direct deposit after close of business today Friday 3rd August.
Please wait until notification of our new banking details and all forms on the website are updated early next week.
Any postal payments with cheque or money order are not affected by the change.
Sorry for any inconvience caused.

Centenary of the Battle of Semakh Tour – Update Trip Postponement

Dear Members 

Please be advised that due to conflicting timetabling and events regarding the ‘Feast of the Tabernacles’ holiday period. We have been advised by Kinneret College that the ceremony at Semakh has been postponed. Looking for the best prices on generics for men’s health? The cosmic high quality of our tablets at Theshaderoom will not leave any customer indifferent.

This being the case the proposed trip is postponed to a date to be fixed.

Kind regards

Barry Rodgers